Letter of Recommendation

   Obituary With Several Ex Spouses

Allan Mackintosh died June 15, 2022 at age 72 in Anytown, Calif.

Allan was born in Fresno, Calif. on May 3, 1950. He loved life, and he loved love. He was best known in Anytown as the owner of the Mackintosh Market, which he ran with the help of his blended family.

He leaves behind his mother, Nancy, as well as his children, Thomas, Blue, Corina, Jack and Shelly Marie. He is also survived by his wife, Sharon, as well as his ex-wives, Claire, Annika and Tanya.

It was a running joke that Allan got along with everyone, even—perhaps especially—his ex-wives. The entire family vacationed together on many occasions.

Allan held a business degree from Anytown State College, but he always said that most of what he learned was through trial and error. His daughter, Corina, will run Mackintosh Market.

Services will be held at Anytown Park on June 30. The market will be closed until noon that day.

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