Letter of Recommendation

   Obituary With Interesting Details

Carrie Roosevelt Darlington died June 30, 2021 at age 85 in Anytown, CA. Her life was one of adventure and, accordingly, she died while serving her volunteer shift at the Anytown History Museum.

Carrie was born June 30, 1936 as Caroline Roosevelt Darlington. She never liked the name Caroline and so legally changed it as soon as she had the means. She had no beef with being named after two presidents. She died peacefully on her birthday, but not until after the 85th birthday bash held in her honor by the Anytown Historical Society.

She loved small dogs, big hearts, and medium salsa. She hated high heels, climate change, and political pedants. Carrie did not tolerate unimaginative people. Her wealth was inherited, and she donated most of it and lived frugally. At age 70, she got a bachelor's degree in biology "just for fun."

Carrie never married but never lacked for gentleman callers. She leaves behind her partner, Gregory Chisholm, as well as her beloved Maltese, Quinton.

No services will be held. In lieu of flowers, donations are requested to the Historical Society. Carrie also asked that everyone take a moment to do something interesting each year on her birthday.

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