Letter of Recommendation

   Obituary Expressing Anger

It is with great frustration, anger and determination that the Carvalho family announces the untimely death of their matriarch. Belinda Jean Carvalho died June 14, 2023 at age 62 in Anytown, Calif.

Belinda Jean Cabrillo was born June 3, 1961, in Miami, Florida. After graduating from the University of Florida College of Nursing, she worked all over the United States before settling in Anytown with her husband, Rafael. Together, they raised three children: Robert, Peter and Graciela.

Belinda loved nursing, and worked until the day of her death. She was a favorite of her ICU patients, and during the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, she worked double shifts to help ensure the best care possible.

Given her dedication to health care, the manner of Belinda’s death is all the more heart-wrenching. Those who wish to learn more can simply read the news coverage. Then, please join her family and friends in the fight to make sure that this never happens to anyone else, ever again. Our grief and anger are strong, but our hope is stronger.

Belinda is survived by her husband, Rafael, their children, and three beloved grandchildren: Sasha, Maria Rose and Carl.

A private memorial service will be held Aug. 3 for family and close friends. Anyone is welcome to join the protest outside Anytown Memorial Hospital starting at 8 a.m. on Aug. 5. More information is available at the family’s GoFundMe page.

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